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Podrobno iskanje
Category: Inside information
Published on: SEOnet
Published at:  31.12.2024 16:01
Published document ID: INI-691/24

LUKA KOPER, d.d., Koper

Signing of two long-term credit agreements

Based on the provisions of the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, d.d. and the legislation in force Luka Koper, d. d. announces:

In the past few days, Luka Koper d.d. concluded two long-term credit agreements totalling EUR 77 million, thus providing part of the funding needed to finance the EUR 785 million investment cycle identified in the company's Strategic Business Plan 2024-2028.

A credit agreement of EUR 50 million was executed with OTP banka d. d., while a credit agreement of EUR 27 million was concluded with Sparkasse bank. The drawdown of the above-mentioned facilities will be made in accordance with the Company's liquidity needs, at the latest by the end of 2026. Both facilities are based on variable interest rates and the Company will repay the facilities in quarterly instalments from February 2027 to November 2039.

Part of the loan will be used to finance the Company's largest infrastructure project – the extension of the northern part of Pier I, the construction of which will start in 2025. The public procurement for the selection of the contractor, published on the public procurement portal on 25 July 2024, was closed with the publication of the decision on 9 December 2024. One tender was received under the public procurement procedure, from Kolektor Koling Inženiring, instalacije, proizvodnja d. o. o. with partner CGP, družba za gradbeništvo, inženiring, proizvodnjo in vzdrževanje cest, d. d.., for an amount of EUR 152.9 million excluding VAT. The contract with the contractor was signed on 13 December 2024.

The Management Board
Date: 02.01.2025