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Podrobno iskanje
Category: Inside information
Published on: SEOnet
Published at:  10.01.2020 15:06
Published document ID: INI-17/20

INTEREUROPA, d.d., Koper

34th General Meeting of Shareholders of INTEREUROPA d.d.

In accordance with the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules (Ljubljanska borza d.d., Ljubljana) and the applicable legislation in force, the Company INTEREUROPA d.d., Koper is issuing this announcement:

Pursuant to section 6.30 of the Statute of the Company and pursuant to Article 47 of the Takeovers Act (ZPre-1), the Managing Board of Intereuropa d.d. convenes the 34 General Meeting of shareholders, to be held on 27. 1. 2020 at 13:00  with the agenda and substantiated proposals of resolutions enclosed.

Enclosed are the Forms (Registration and Power of Attorney) for attending the General Meeting and voting.

In accordance with the Statute, the convocation of the General Meeting will be published on AJPES web site.

The Public Annonuncement will be published at the SEO-net and on the web site of INTEREUROPA d.d., at www.intereuropa.si for no less than 5 (five) years.

The Managing Board
Date: 13.01.2020